February 2, 2011

Snowmageddon 11!

I took this around 10:30 tonight on my way home from my friend Jake's house. They say that the worst is yet to come.

After driving through this part of the road, on my way home from CMU without making a photo I decided that I had to bare the whiteout and drive through again. This was shortly after it first started snowing.

I figured that I might as well show my favorite part about winter. I'm really looking forward to waking up and jumping in the truck.

I love this stuff!

January 15, 2011

November 3, 2010

Jordan Pries

This my counter-culture photo story that I did for my Journalism 422 class.

Jordan Pries talks to Nicho Carey about a guitar amp at B's Music in Mount Pleasant, Mich. on Oct. 18, 2010. Nicho is in a band out of Alma, Mich. called the High Class Truckers.
(Photo Copyright Ryan Nielsen)

Jordan Pries moves the needle to the song that he has chosen for his radio show "Black Circle Radio" on Modern Rock 91.5 in Moore Hall on Oct. 18, 2010.
(Photo Copyright Ryan Nielsen)

Jordan Pries solders wires to a tone knob on an electric guitar while working as a technician at B's Music in Mount Pleasant, Mich. on Oct. 18, 2010.
(Photo Copyright Ryan Nielsen)

Jordan Pries rocks out his guitar during a gig at Rubble's Bar with his two man band, Beast in the Field on Oct. 10, 2010.
(Photo Copyright Ryan Nielsen)

Jordan Pries and his mother Sheryl Young listen to Sheryl's boyfriend Paul Schneider while having dinner at the Italian Oven in Mount Pleasant, Mich. on Oct 19, 2010. Sheryl and Paul reside in Milwaukee, Wisc. but stopped in Mt. Pleasant to see Jordan on their way back from a trip to the eastern United States.
(Photo Copyright Ryan Nielsen)

July 17, 2010

Society Kills Debut

Since I haven't updated this months, I figured now would be a great time.

A little over a month and a half ago, I was asked if I wanted to take over the duties of playing bass for Society Kills, ya know, that band I did a video on earlier this year. I jumped at the opportunity as I've been wanting to jump back into the music scene for a while. We've practiced at least twice a week since then and have made some great progress. I think it's because we all like a lot of the same music and for the most part, have the same influences. We click pretty well. Something that's very important for any band.

Last night was my debut with SK and the first time SK has played as a four piece. We played at the Breakroom on Plainfield in Grand Rapids. By the time we got on stage, there were maybe a dozen people left in the crowd, most of which were our friends. No big deal, we rocked out and gave them what they came to here. Though I must say that I'd really like to play for more people. Aside from me forgetting to turn one of the volume knobs up for the first song (great time to screw up, I know) it was a pretty successful show. We also debuted
two new songs, which by some chance I named.

Anyway, onto what I was going to make this post about in the first place. I couldn't believe how fast time flew as we were preparing for our set. It seemed like 15 minutes from the time we loaded our gear into the bar until the time we loaded our gear back into our cars. I was out in the pool hall talking with some friends and resting my ears from the atrocious tunes of Bullpig. I knew that we were set to go on as soon as they were done. Feeling a bit anxious and a little nervous for my first gig in well over two years, I went out and plowed through a smoke. When I got inside the rest of the band had already started moving gear onto the stage. I moved my amp and bass onto the stage, set up my pedal and the next thing I know, we're busting out the first song...and you couldn't hear the bass. The sound guy, bless him, was up there trying to figure it out. I was trying to figure it out while still keeping my lines going, not that it mattered. Then I turned the knob on the bass the other way and the thunder began. As quickly as it started, it was over.

Honestly, that was the most fun I've had in a really long time. I can't think of anything I'd rather do than stand on a stage and play some music. I'm thankful to be apart of SK and I'm really looking forward to what we're going to do.

May 25, 2010

Welcome, Cailyn Mercedes Baker

Born: May 24th, 2010 4:31pm

7 pounds, 14 ounces

23 3/4 Inches

Congratulations Chris and Cassie!
